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Secret Service: Facebook Poll No Threat to Obama

Posted by Audiegrl

Social Media Assassination Poll for Obama Posted on Facebook

Social Media Assassination Poll for Obama Posted on Facebook

Associated Press/Eileen Sullivan—The Secret Service has determined that a juvenile was behind the online survey that asked whether people thought President Barack Obama should be assassinated, an agency spokesman said Thursday.

No criminal charges will be filed against the juvenile or the juvenile’s parents, spokesman Edwin Donovan said. Donovan would not identify the names of the child or parents or say where they are from.

The poll, posted Saturday on Facebook, was taken off the popular social networking site quickly after company officials were alerted to its existence. But, like any threat against the president, Secret Service agents took no chances.

The poll asked respondents “Should Obama be killed?” The choices: No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.

More @ Associated Press

Previous story:

Facebook Poll: “Kill Obama?” Pulled Down, Secret Service Investigating


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