Tag Archives: rush

TVOne: Roland S. Martin Goes off on Limbaugh and Robertson

Posted by: Audiegrl

And you thought Roland was pissed at Rush Limbaugh before?! He’s got a whole new reason to rant after Limbaugh and 700 Club’s Pat Robertson made some crazy statements regarding the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. See what Roland had to say.
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A Letter to Rush Limbaugh from Roger Ebert

Rush Limbaugh blowing smoke...

Rush Limbaugh blowing smoke...

January 14, 2010
To: Rush Limbaugh
From: Roger Ebert

You should be horse-whipped for the insult you have paid to the highest office of our nation.

Having followed President Obama’s suggestion and donated money to the Red Cross for relief in Haiti, I was offended to hear you suggest the President might be a thief capable of stealing money intended for the earthquake victims.

Here is a transcript from your program on Thursday:

Justin of Raleigh, North Carolina: “Why does Obama say if you want to donate some money, you could go to whitehouse.gov to direct you how to do so? If I wanted to donate to the Red Cross, why do I have to go to the White House page to donate?”

Limbaugh: “Exactly. Would you trust the money’s gonna go to Haiti?”

Justin: “No.”

Rush: “But would you trust that your name’s gonna end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes?”

Justin: “Absolutely!”

Limbaugh: “Absolutely!”

That’s what was said.

Unlike you and Justin of Raleigh, I went to Obama’s web site, and discovered the link there leads directly to the Red Cross. I can think of a reason why anyone might want to go via the White House. That way they can be absolutely sure they’re clicking on the Red Cross and not a fake site set up to exploit the tragedy.

But let me be sure I have this right. You and Justin agree that Obama might steal money intended for the Red Cross to help the wretched of Haiti.

This conversation came 48 hours after many of us had seen pitiful sights from Port au Prince. Tens of thousands are believed still alive beneath the rubble. You twisted their suffering into an opportunity to demean the character of the President of the United States.

This cannot have been an accident.A day earlier, a sound bite from your show went viral, in which you said “this will play right into Obama’s hands. He’s humanitarian, compassionate. They’ll use this to burnish their, shall we say, ‘credibility‘ with the black community — in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It’s made-to-order for them.

Roger Ebert

Setting aside your riff on Harry Reid, consider what you imply. Obama will aid Haiti to please African-Americans. Haiti has lost untold thousands of lives. One third of the population has lost its homes. Countless people are still buried in the rubble. Every American president would act quickly to help our neighbor. You are so cynical and heartless as to explain Obama’s action in a way that unpleasantly suggests how your mind works.

You have a sizable listening audience. You apparently know how to please them. Anybody given a $400 million contract must know what he is doing.

That’s what offends me. You know exactly what you’re doing.

Help for Haiti~Learn What You Can Do

Complete Haiti Relief Coverage Main PageHaiti Relief Coverage Main Page


Filed under Barack Obama, Charity, Children, Countries, Creepy right-wing antics, Disaster, Earthquake, Haiti, Media and Entertainment, News, Partisan Politics, Politics, Port au Prince, Presidents, Rush Limbaugh, Uncategorized, United States

The Political Carnival: Video- Kurtz and Panel Mock Limbaugh Saying He Didn’t Get Special Treatment

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New Orleans Saints’ Drew Brees and President Obama Team Up for Children’s Fitness

Posted by Buellboy

Dallas Cowboys' DeMarcus Ware, President Barack Obama, Saints quarterback Drew Brees and Pittsburgh Steelers' Troy Polamalu with Washington, D.C.-area children at the White House. Brees said it was the only time he had thrown a pass to someone wearing a Chicago Bears jacket.

Times-Picayune—In support of his United We Serve initiative, President Barack Obama and NFL stars Drew Brees, DeMarcus Ware and Troy Polamalu team up to highlight the importance of fitness for America’s children.

Obama joins Saints quarterback Brees, Steelers safety Polamalu and Cowboys linebacker Ware in a special public service announcement debuting during each of the three NFL games played on Thanksgiving.

The 90-second PSA is a joint effort of the NFL’s PLAY 60 campaign, a league-wide effort to fight childhood obesity by getting kids active for 60 minutes a day, and United We Serve, the president’s initiative encouraging all Americans to participate in community service.

The spot will continue airing throughout the rest of the season in a shorter format.

Through United We Serve, I have challenged all Americans to roll up their sleeves and engage in sustained service to strengthen our communities,” the president said. “For some of us that means volunteering at a soup kitchen or cleaning up a local park. For others, it means taking time to build a playground or volunteering your time to improve the life of a child.

Quarterback Drew Brees

No matter how we serve, we find common purpose when we dedicate ourselves to helping others. This holiday season, I am asking all Americans to find their own way to give back to their communities.”

The Saints’ Brees, who has been a national spokesman for the PLAY 60 campaign for the past two years, said, “We had about 25 minutes and did three different takes. I threw him a couple of passes. He was wearing his Chicago Bears jacket, so there was some ribbing about that.

Thanksgiving is a time when families come together, and it is also a perfect time to focus on the importance of keeping kids healthy and active,” Brees said. “I was honored to spend time with the president on an issue that is clearly important to him. I was also impressed by his wide receiver skills.”




Filed under Barack Obama, Change, Children, Football, Health, Media and Entertainment, New Orleans, LA, Politics, Pop Culture, Pres. Barack Obama, Presidents, PSA, Sports, Thanksgiving, Volunteerism

Enough Is Enough: Cantor Stands Up To Tea Partiers And Limbaugh

Posted by Audiegrl

cantor-tea-party-crowd-cropped-proto-custom_1TPM/Rachel Slajda—At yesterday’s tea party rally on Capitol Hill, at least one protester brandished a large graphic photograph of the victims of the Dachau Nazi concentration camp, comparing health care reform to Nazi policies. Today, Rep. Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) spokesman called the photograph “inappropriate.”

Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) has also condemned the poster.

teapartyzoomCantor, in an interview today with Bloomberg, also offered some criticism of radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh’s comparison of President Obama to Adolf Hitler.

Do I condone the mention of Hitler in any discussion about politics?” said Cantor, who is the only Jewish Republican in Congress. “No, I don’t, because obviously that is something that conjures up images that frankly are not, I think, very helpful.”


More @ tpmlogosmall talking points memo

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Who Are You Calling a Narcissist, Rush? by Maureen Dowd

Op-ed by Maureen Dowd

NYT Columnist Maureen Dowd

NYT Columnist Maureen Dowd

I had a four-hour dinner once with Rush Limbaugh at the “21” Club in Manhattan, back in the days when I was still writing profiles as a “reporterette,” to use a Limbaugh coinage.

He was charming, in a shy, awkward, lonely-guy way. Not a man of the people. He arrived in a chauffeured town car and ordered $70-an-ounce Beluga, Porterhouse and 1990 Corton-Charlemagne.

But he was not a Neanderthal, though he did have a cold and blew his nose in his napkin. He talked about Chopin’s Polonaise No. 6, C.S. Lewis and how much he loved the end of the movie “Love Story.”

In those days, he called himself a “harmless little fuzzball.” He’s a lot less harmless now. I went on to columny, as my pal Bill Safire called it, and Rush went on to calumny.

As he and Sarah Palin conduct their auto-da-fé of moderate Republicans — “Moderates by definition have no principles,” he told his radio audience on Monday — Limbaugh is more than ever the face of his party, as Rahm Emanuel said.

He’s also the mouth.

More @ New York Times

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Democrat Rush Holt Wins Congressional Approval For Measure To Mandate Videorecording Of Interrogations

Posted by HershelWellingtonIV

Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ)

Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ)

ThinkProgress/Zaid Jilani—Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed as part of the 2010 Defense Authorization conference report a new requirement that would mandate the videorecording of all interrogations of anyone in a Defense Department facility:

Congress is moving to require videotaping of interrogations of detainees held by the military, a step proponents say will prevent abuse and create a valuable intelligence record.

The provision, which the House passed on Thursday as part of the 2010 Defense Authorization Act conference report, would apply to interrogations of anyone held at a Defense Department facility. Because the Central Intelligence Agency’s secret overseas prisons have been closed, it would most likely cover terrorism suspects whether they were questioned by a military or a C.I.A. officer.

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Right-Wing Media and Polititians Roots Against America: Nobel Prize Edition

Posted by Audiegrl

The reaction from the right wing today is no less shameful than when they gleefully cheered when we lost the 2016 Olympic bid last week. Just ask yourself this. If today President McCain, after only being in office 9 months, had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, what would the right-wing be doing? You got it, popping the champagne corks right about now…

Here’s a little video by Media Matters giving us a telling compilation of the conservative outrage…

Glenn Beck

glenn-beck-220x300Of all things, the Nobel Peace Prize should be turned down by Barack Obama and given — you ready for this, oh this one’s going to make headlines — should be give to the Tea Party goers and the 9-12 Project. … Because of the arrogance of the progressives that thought no one would stand in their way. That he would be able to accomplish everything. Two weeks into his presidency, they nominated him for it and said, “oh this is going to be a slam dunk.” Because of the Tea Party goers and the 9-12 Project people that stood in his way and stopped him from accomplishing the things that he thought, “please, I’m the Messiah, I’ll be able to accomplish that.”–Glenn Beck

Link to the audio/video

Rush Limbaugh

rushlimbaugh“The Nobel gang just suicide-bombed themselves. Gore, Carter, Obama, soon Bill Clinton. See a pattern here? They are all leftist sell-outs. George Bush liberates 50 million Muslims in Iraq, Reagan liberates hundreds of millions of Europeans and saves parts of Latin America. Any awards?” Limbaugh says “Obama gives speeches trashing his own country and for that gets a prize, which is now worth as much as whatever prizes they are putting in Cracker Jacks these days.”

We all agree with the Taliban and Iran” that Obama does not deserve Nobel…I think that everybody is laughing. Our president is a worldwide joke. Folks, do you realize something has happened here that we all agree with the Taliban and Iran about and that is he doesn’t deserve the award. Now that’s hilarious, that I’m on the same side of something with the Taliban, and that we all are on the same side as the Taliban.“–Rush Limbaugh

Link to the audio/video

Michelle Malkin

michelle-malkinWorld apology tour” has “paid huge dividends,” “ultimate act of global affirmative action

On her website: Isn’t it so fitting? From community organizer to Illinois state senator (present!) to U.S. Senator for 143 days before moving into the White House…and now, the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize — not for anything he’s actually done, but for the symbolism of what he might possibly accomplish sometime way off in the future—Michelle Malkin

She also took the opportunity to post this graphic from another right wing blog.


Link to the audio/video

Chip Reid

chip_reid_x200CBS’ Chip Reid asks Gibbs whether Obama “consider[ed] turning” Nobel Prize “down,” suggests award is “a partisan thing” and Nobel Committee “supports liberal causes“.

In a follow-up question, Reid said: “I think the point a lot of your favorite people, pundits, have been making is that the response to this has been like this — I mean, most Democrats have praised it and most Republicans have said, you have got to be kidding me. Ronald Reagan didn’t get one, but Barack Obama, nominated 12 days after he was sworn in, gets a Nobel Peace Prize. And the fear among some, even some Democrats, is that this is going to widen the partisan divide and make things even more difficult to accomplish on every front.

View the video

Matt Drudge

mattdrudge220Today, Matt Drudge linked to an Associated Press analysis headlined, “He won, but for what?” with the Drudge headline: “‘For What’? Will He Turn It Down?



Mark Halperin

mark_halperin_x200I predict right now that he will find a way to basically turn it down. … Because there is no upside.” On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Time’s Mark Halperin said, “I predict right now that he will find a way to basically turn it down. I share this with the world or whatever. I don’t think he’ll embrace this. Because there is no upside for him.

John Bolton

John Bolton220In an October 9 post on National Review Online’s blog, The Corner, Robert Costa quoted former United Nations ambassador John Bolton as saying, “He should decline it and then ask to be considered again in three or four years when he has a record.



Mary Katharine Ham

marykatherineham220 Weekly Standard blogger Mary Katharine Ham wrote of Kaus’ “great suggestion“: “I think I would heartily approve of Obama’s doing it, and I’m a rather tough audience for him. Could his ego allow it?


RNC Chairman Michael Steele

michael steele.jpg-thumb-280x392-33229“The real question Americans are asking is, “What has President Obama actually accomplished?” It is unfortunate that the president’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights. One thing is certain — President Obama won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.”

To be fair, a couple of statements from the grownups (this time) in the Republican Party


John McCain

john_mccain_official_portrait_20091220I think all of us were surprised at the decision,” he said. But I think Americans are always pleased when their president is recognized by something on this order.”



Tim Pawlenty

tim-pawlenty220During the WCCO radio show, “Lou from St. Paul” called in to say: “I haven’t heard you congratulate the president on receiving the Nobel Prize….What is it you’re waiting for?

Pawlenty responded: “I would say regardless of the circumstances, congratulations to President Obama for winning the Nobel Prize. I know there will be some people who are saying “Was it based on good intentions and thoughts or is it going to be based on good results?” But I think the appropriate response is when anybody wins a Nobel Prize that is a very noteworthy development and designation and I think the appropriate response is to say “Congratulations.”

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

20090816_mms_a07_459.jpgMaria and I applaud President Obama for winning the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The President has consistently shown that he is committed to reaching out to other nations and positioning America to once again be the global leader for peace and prosperity. This is a great honor for our country and reminds us all of the promise our nation holds. I look forward to working with him to address future challenges facing our nation. On behalf of all Californians, I congratulate President Obama for winning this inspiring award.

Bob McDonnell (Virginia Republican gubernatorial nominee)

bob-mcdonnell-stock-cropped-proto-custom_6McDonnell said he’d been on the road and had not extensively read the committee’s reasoning for the award, other than that it had to do with Obama’s diplomatic efforts. But he said he was pleased with anything that “brings accolades to the United States.” And then he repeated, “I’m delighted to see him win the award.

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The Colbert Report: Uses Satire to Blackwash Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh

Posted by HershelWellingtonIV

Once again, Stephen Colbert uses brilliant satire to take claims made by Beck and Limbaugh to their next logical destination.

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Glenn Beck: Stop the Insanity

Glenn Beck on Clusterfox

Glenn Beck on Clusterfox

Posted by Audiegrl

Josh Silver/Huffington Post—Looking back, it’s hard to believe that Father Charles Coughlin’s hate speeches were broadcast into millions of homes during the 1930s. Coughlin’s anti-Semitic rants incited prejudice and violence. Now, in the Internet age, it seems positively antiquated that one person could have such a powerful soapbox to engage in fear-mongering and hate speech.

In fact, it seems insane.

We would never stand for that today, right? So why do our media continue to resemble the hate radio of decades past? How did it happen that just a few media pundits can disseminate such vitriol and misinformation into millions of homes, and — worse — cast it as real news?

Father Charles Coughlin

Father Charles Coughlin

Father Coughlin must be dancing in his grave. His model for using the media to manipulate the American people through fear and division lives on in the form of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and other extremists that propagandize millions of Americans daily. And unlike Coughlin, these guys have powerful corporations to back them up.


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