Category Archives: Washington Watch w/Roland Martin

In State of the Union, President Obama Criticizes “TV pundits” for “reducing serious debates to silly arguments”

From President Obama’s January 27 State of the Union speech
Hat tip to Media Matters
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TVOne: Roland S. Martin Goes off on Limbaugh and Robertson

Posted by: Audiegrl

And you thought Roland was pissed at Rush Limbaugh before?! He’s got a whole new reason to rant after Limbaugh and 700 Club’s Pat Robertson made some crazy statements regarding the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. See what Roland had to say.
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Filed under African-Americans, Barack Obama, Christianity, Creepy right-wing antics, Culture, Entertainment, Evangelical, Media and Entertainment, News, Partisan Politics, Politics, Presidents, Racism, Religion, Republicans, Roland Martin, Rush Limbaugh, TVOne, Uncategorized, Video/YouTube, Washington Watch w/Roland Martin