Tag Archives: stewart

Jon Stewart On Erickson Hiring: CNN’s New Slogan Is ‘We Have No Idea What The F*ck We Are Doing

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Jon Stewart Shows C-SPAN How To Handle Racist Callers

Posted by: Audiegrl

Jason Linkins~”The Daily Show” did an enjoyable segment about the recent on-air incident on C-SPAN, in which a caller from North Carolina went on a racist diatribe about how the network takes too many calls from black people and should thus be renamed as BLACK-SPAN.

What was very nice about the clip was the way Jon Stewart was not afraid to be servicey, offering host Bill Scanlan some advice on how to handle the situation. Like: don’t just casually shuffle your papers, as if nothing is happening! Like: don’t adopt a “the customer is always right” attitude about the racist idiot mumbling nonsense on your teevee show.

To demonstrate how Bill Scanlan was doing it wrong — which is something I imagine Jeffrey Goldberg can appreciate — Stewart helpfully scripted how calls like this should go in the future.

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Jon Stewart Returns And Rips Conservatives For Violent Health Care Fallout (VIDEO)

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The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart To Glenn Beck: “You’re A Communist!” (VIDEO)

Fresh from the week off, Jon Stewart jumped right in Monday night and took on one of his favorite targets, Glenn Beck, who used his appearance at CPAC as a chance to alert the crowd of the dangers of Progressivism.

At the conference, Beck compared Progressivism to Communism, and cited previous progressives such as Woodrow Wilson and FDR, who pushed for the income tax and universal health care, respectively. Despite the former being used by elected officials to create things for the common good, Beck stressed that these were the first steps on the road to ruin.

Upon hearing Glenn Beck announce that he learned this by reading books at the library, Stewart had a field day and hi-jixed ensued.

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Filed under Fox News, Glenn Beck, Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, Media and Entertainment, Politics, Republicans, Uncategorized, Video/YouTube

Jon Stewart Destroys Fox News For Reveling In Scott Brown Win (VIDEO)

Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts has made for a variety of moods and responses coming from cable news. Jon Stewart mocked the atmosphere of Fox News last night, comparing the network to someone trying really hard to hide an erection and intercutting their reaction with clips of the phallic Shake Weight.

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Terror 2.0: Stewart Rips Security Failure, GOP Response

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Filed under Al-Qaeda, Barack Obama, Comedy Central, Conservative, Creepy right-wing antics, Culture, Entertainment, Hollywood, Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, Media and Entertainment, Partisan Politics, Politics, Pop Culture, Pres. Barack Obama, Republicans, Terrorism, TV Shows, Uncategorized, Video/YouTube, War

Newsman Lou Dobbs Mulls Run for White House, Senate

Posted by Audiegrl

Reuters/Tim Gaynor—A week after abruptly quitting his longtime job as a CNN television news host and commentator, Lou Dobbs said on Thursday he is considering career options including possible runs for the White House or U.S. Senate.

Right now I feel exhilaration at the wide range of choices before me as to what I do next,” Dobbs, whose outspoken views on immigration and other topics often angered liberals, told Reuters in a telephone interview from New York on Thursday.

Dobbs, 64, a veteran CNN anchor who had become one of the most divisive figures in U.S. broadcast journalism, announced last Wednesday he was leaving CNN after spending the better part of 30 years at the 24-hour cable news network.

He still hosts a daily radio show.

Protesters In Lou Dobbs Masks

Protesters In Lou Dobbs Masks

A Texas native, Dobbs has drawn fire from Latino leaders and civil rights groups for frequent on-air remarks about U.S. border control and immigration that critics saw as demonizing illegal immigrants.

He was also seen as lending credence to the “birther” conspiracy theory, whose adherents believe President Barack Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate was faked to hide a Kenyan birthplace that would make the first black U.S. president ineligible for his office.

Dobbs acknowledged his commentary also stirred friction with CNN executives.


Dobbs vowed to carry on expressing his views “fully and straightforwardly in the public arena no matter what I decide to do next.”

Since his departure, some have speculated he might run as a candidate for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey, where he has a home, or even run as a third-party candidate in the 2012 U.S. presidential elections — options he says remain on the table.

I am ruling nothing out. … I have come to no conclusions and no decisions,” he said. “Do I seek to have some influence on public policy? Absolutely. Do I seek to represent and champion the middle class in this country and those who aspire to it? Absolutely. And I will.”

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The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart Interviews Lou Dobbs

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Filed under Bad Journalism, Barack Obama, BastaDobbs.com, Birthers, CNN, ColorofChange.org, Congress, Conservative, Creepy right-wing antics, Hispanic/Latino/Latina, Immigration, Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, Lou Dobbs, News, Political Organizations, Politics, Pop Culture, Pres. Barack Obama, Presente.org, Presidents, Republicans, Senate, Uncategorized, Video/YouTube

Vice-President Joe Biden Kicks It with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

Posted by Audiegrl

Vice President Joe Biden makes his sixth appearance on The Daily Show and the first for a sitting vice president! Really? On second thought, I guess a show with Dick Cheney would have been kind of uncomfortable. 😉

In Part One, Biden says the Obama administration is creating new jobs by investing in energy, education and health care. In Part Two, he explains the necessity of the bank bailout and explains why the Democrats can’t pass anything in the Senate.


Part One

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Part Two

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Filed under Bailout, Banking, Comedy Central, Economics, Economy, Education, Energy, Entertainment, Green, Health Care Reform, Humor, Jobs, Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, New York, New York, NY, Politics, Pop Culture, Stimulus, TARP, TV Shows, Vice-President Joe Biden, Video/YouTube

Jon Stewart: Suffering through Hannity’s show for his apology “wasn’t worth it”

Posted by Audiegrl

The Daily Show with Jon StewartLast night Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart responded to Sean Hannity’s lame-apology for showing false video footage to make a health care protest seem larger than it was.

By the end of this new clip, I’m sure Hannity wishes he had just stayed silent. Stewart even gave Fox News a new motto:

“We alter reality. You are sold a preconceived narrative.”

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Filed under Comedy Central, Creepy right-wing antics, Fox News, Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, Media and Entertainment, Politics, Pop Culture, Republicans, Sean Hannity, Uncategorized, Video/YouTube

The Daily Show on the House Health Care Vote: Holocaust Signs, Leis, and Prop Babies

dailyshow.logoThe House of Representatives finally passes health care reform after the exciting pre-game festivities.

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