Tag Archives: private

Afghan Scandal: 8 Guards Fired, 2 Resigned

Posted by Audiegrl
This is the story that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show has been covering all week. The photos she showed pretty much speak for themselves. Although, I can’t say that I understand the ‘drinking vodka from someone’s butt’ part. I must have missed that lesson in Partying 101.

Another part of the bigger picture is that this embassy is probably the most important to be protected outside of the U.S. Also troubling is the fact that we have more contractors in Afghanistan than we do U.S. soldiers.

So let me get this straight. Republicans are willing to pay for wars and this type of frat house garbage, but when we want to use money to insure our citizens, then all they want to talk about the huge deficit, and how we are making enormous debts to be left to our children and grandchildren.

It is staggering when you think of all the money and lives that have been spent and lost with a war that was unnecessary in the first place. If all of the people who are protesting for or against health care reform (both Repubs and Dems) would have shown that type of commitment and outrage seven years ago….just think what we could have accomplished and how many of our troops would still be alive today.

185 of our brave soldiers returned home today, after finishing their task of building roads and schools in Iraq. Just think of all the work that could have been done with our own crumbling infrastructure during that same amount of time….

Kay Johnson/Huffington Post—Eight security guards at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan were fired and two resigned following allegations of lewd behavior and sexual misconduct at their living quarters.

The Kabul senior management team of ArmorGroup North America, the private contractor that provides guards for the State Department, was also “being replaced immediately,” an embassy statement said Friday.

The terminated guards, who left Afghanistan on Friday, all appeared in photographs depicting guards and supervisors in various stages of nudity at parties flowing with alcohol, the embassy said. Their names and nationalities were not released.

The scandal surfaced this week when an independent watchdog said the embassy guards were subjected to abuse and hazing by supervisors. The Project on Government Oversight contended the situation had led to a breakdown in morale and leadership that compromised security at the embassy in Kabul, where nearly 1,000 U.S. diplomats, staff and Afghan nationals work.


***UPDATE: Hat tip and thanks go to blogger conflictingreports

Embassy Nude-Photo Company Hit With $30 Million Lawsuit By Two US Marines – Former Employees: “ArmorGroup Lied To State Department To Secure Embassy Contract”

DailyKos diary by actuality: Embassy Nude-Photo Company Hit With $30 Million Lawsuit By Two US Marines


Filed under Economy, Military, Politics, Terrorism