Tag Archives: coughlin

Glenn Beck: Stop the Insanity

Glenn Beck on Clusterfox

Glenn Beck on Clusterfox

Posted by Audiegrl

Josh Silver/Huffington Post—Looking back, it’s hard to believe that Father Charles Coughlin’s hate speeches were broadcast into millions of homes during the 1930s. Coughlin’s anti-Semitic rants incited prejudice and violence. Now, in the Internet age, it seems positively antiquated that one person could have such a powerful soapbox to engage in fear-mongering and hate speech.

In fact, it seems insane.

We would never stand for that today, right? So why do our media continue to resemble the hate radio of decades past? How did it happen that just a few media pundits can disseminate such vitriol and misinformation into millions of homes, and — worse — cast it as real news?

Father Charles Coughlin

Father Charles Coughlin

Father Coughlin must be dancing in his grave. His model for using the media to manipulate the American people through fear and division lives on in the form of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and other extremists that propagandize millions of Americans daily. And unlike Coughlin, these guys have powerful corporations to back them up.


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