“These Nuts are giving good Republicans a bad name”


Extremist Conservative Ideology – How it Harms American Democracy and the GOP

By Janna Seliger
Published: 4/10/2009 “… I have deep respect for the opinions of those who might not agree with me. Just because I have a certain idea about how government should work or what should be legal or not does not mean I don’t think others should instantly agree with me. It is our ability to disagree and debate that makes us stronger, because we don’t stifle opinions and ideas that might be of great value. Still, there are some who are so absorbed in their own ideology that they continue to split people into categories of “us” and “them”.
These people are giving the GOP a bad name, making the Republican party’s image even worse than it was under former President Bush.

I’ll be honest: there are some reasonable Republicans out there. I don’t agree with everything they say, but some are reasonable and are essential for maintaining a good balance in our government. What happens if these people become the face of the Republican party? Their power will shrink even further so that the voices of those who don’t agree with the Democrats will be drowned out…”

con’t here


Filed under Culture, Democrats, Partisan Politics, Republicans

3 responses to ““These Nuts are giving good Republicans a bad name”

  1. audiegrl

    Geo, that cartoon is priceless 😉

  2. Pingback: Compatible Creatures – War & Politics & Life - Krugman at 4 a.m. — The Nutcase GOP

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